︎Je suis Juliette Gabolde, directrice artistique & motion designer en freelance.
I'm Juliette Gabolde, freelance art director & motion designer.
I'm Juliette Gabolde, freelance art director & motion designer.
︎ J’ai le plaisir de collaborer avec des entreprises qui misent sur la qualité graphique et l'impact des animations, et avec qui je partage une vision créative exigeante.
I have the pleasure of working with companies that focus on the graphic quality and impact of their animations, and with whom I share a demanding creative vision.
I have the pleasure of working with companies that focus on the graphic quality and impact of their animations, and with whom I share a demanding creative vision.
︎Je suis également directrice artistique pour Gaze Magazine, et j’ai co-créé Side Effects, un duo d’animation qui combine motion digital et dessin à la main.
I'm also an art director for Gaze Magazine, and I co-created Side Effects, an animation duo that combines digital motion and hand-drawing.
I'm also an art director for Gaze Magazine, and I co-created Side Effects, an animation duo that combines digital motion and hand-drawing.